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Invoke smart tag from your keyboard June 24, 2008

Posted by fofo in Visual Studio 2008.
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While working with the Visual Studio IDE, one of the most helpful features is the smart tag.

You know the little arrow, which when clicked gives us new options to choose from.

It would be great if there was a shortcut key for everything. It is really annoying sometimes that we have to use the mouse and the keyboard back and forth.

In Visual Studio there is a shortcut key for smart tag expansion


1) Fire Visual Studio

2) Create an asp.net application project

3) In the default.aspx page just drag and drop a gridview control on the page

4) The gridview is selected. Press this key combination ( Ctrl + .

The smart tag expands to show all the available gridview tasks.

If you want to learn more tips and shortcuts like these click here

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